Minus One Dimension: Zinneke Reflections, 1995
Site specific installations and guided walks
The artist traced the path of the Zinneke River, which had been covered over, through backyards, abandoned lots and the sidewalks of Molenbeek, a neighbourhood made up of working class Belgians and Turkish immigrants in Brussels. Alves was interested in what happens to a river that is removed from its physical surroundings and thereby looses its urban context as well as which interactions are lost once a river (or any body of water) is covered over. The artist studied the remaining rivers of Brussels and discovered that the reflection of an object in water changes our definition of that object and these new visual possibilities open up situations for us.
If a wind blows or a boat sails by, the turbulence causes currents on the water, which can make the straightness of a streetlight wander and sway in to coils which collide into the reflection of a brick wall which spirals to meet the reflection of a security camera. Alves was interested in how we were losing these possibilities of seeing and therefore thinking in a different way.
Alves photographed reflections in the water and then cut out their shapes on fabrics usually used to cover the surfaces of our homes such as carpets, curtains and tablecloths. The reflections include a plane’s vapour trail, a topiary, two refugees, a security camera, a crane, a dog, a door, a window, a stone, steps, a tree etc. One was made for each day of the month long exhibit. They were rolled up and easily portable. Guided tours were made by Alves of the former site of the covered over Zinneke River. Visitors helped place a reflection and sometimes would find a reflection placed earlier. The reflections were left on the site until they disappeared.

Minus One Dimansion The Zinneke Rtver is lost under the streets of the Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels. The Zinneke's former path can be found under sidewalks, vacant lots and buildings.

The reflection of an airplane vapor trail.

The reflection of an object in water changes our known v1sua1 definition of that object. If a wind blows or a boat sails by the turbulence causes currents on the water which can make the straightness of a streetlight wander and sway into coils which collide into the reflection of a brick wall.

Each image of a reflection was projected onto cloth, and cut out. This is the reflection of an airplane vapor trail.

The image of the reflection of a airpane vapor trail rolled up…

… and transported to a site where the Zinneke flows underneath.

Each image of a reflection was projected onto cloth, and cut out. Twenty images ot reflections including: Stone, Steps, Doorway, House, Tree were transported to the Zinneke River site. These reflections were left on the site until they disappeared.