The Artist as Bandeirante, 2014
Video 7:45 min.
Color, sound
"I was invited to participate in the exhibit Made by Brazilians at the defunct Matarazzo Hospital in the city of São Paulo. I was born there and my father worked for the Matarazzos.
After I finished my installation Me and the Matarazzos, in which I denounced the Bandeirantes, I then read a catalogue text by the new owner of the property, Alexandre Allard, in which artists are favorably compared to Bandeirantes.
I then met with members of the Guarani community of Tenondé Porã in São Paulo and asked what they thought of Bandeirantes and artists.
A Guarani analysis of Allard's concept of the Artist as Bandeirante."
Document of Guarani Kaiowa assasinated 1983-2016 (PDF)
Carta Do Grande Conselho Da Aty Guasu Para As Autoridades (PDF English)

my title here

my title here

Monumento aos Bandeirantes. (Version Rio de Janeiro) installation view: Depois do Futura, Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro 2016; curated by Daniela Labra

Monumento aos Bandeirantes. (Version Vienna) at the exhibition: The Winter of Our Discontent, Martin Janda Gallery, Vienna, Austria; curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, 2016