Maria Thereza Alves

Recipes for Survival
Seeing you

Solo Publications

Direct and Circumstancial. Relevant Evidences in Naples, Butia, Kassel, and Ubatuba. Published by documenta fifteen 2022.

Alves' booklet Direct and Circumstancial. Relevant Evidences in Naples, Butia, Kassel, and Ubatuba was made within the work for documentata fifteen & as a part of the collectives Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road. As such it is part of the collective's publication, published by documenta fifteen & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2022 and can be ordered through Walther König Buchhandlung.

The Graniceros. A Poem by Genaro Amaro Altamirano and Maria Thereza Alves, May 2020. Poem published in: Palm. Jeu de Paume Magazine, December 2021

Read the Poem online

Thieves and Murderers in Naples: A Brief History on Families, Colonization, Immense Wealth, Land theft, Art und the Valle des Xico Community Museum in Mexico. No Man's Land Collection, ed. by Di Paolo Edizioni, Spoltore, Italia 2020.

"This book is dedicated to the people of Xico in the State of Mexico and to the Valle de Xico Community Museum."
For joining the artists' call also see the project Son del Pueblo / Of the People

→ to purchase the book please contact:

Recipes for Survival. Solo publication. With a foreword by Michael Taussig. Texas of University Press, Austin 2018

After 35 years the unpublished book "Recipes for Survival" will be released in November 2018.
further information on Texas of University Press website
further information on the work "Recipes for Survival"

El Largo Camino a Xico. / The Long Road to Xico. Maria Thereza Alves: 1991-2015. Ed. by Pedro De Llano and Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla. Sternberg Press, Berlin 2017

The catalogue is the first comprehensive survey about the works and projects by Alves spanning 1991 until 2015. It also includes unpublished artist's text by Alves, and essays by Pedro de Llano and T.J. Demos.
→ more details at STERNBERG PRESS website

Why Here? Published by Carico Massimo, Livorno 2016

→ Zirkumflex, Berlin

Wake: The Flight of Birds and People. Published in conjunction with Art Dubai Fair LLC, Dubai 2015

El Retorno de un Lago / The Return of a Lake. Published by Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo (Folio 019), Mexico City 2014

Maria Thereza Alves. Ed. by Mai Tran, Nantes Art School - École supérieure des beaux-arts de Nantes Métropole. Published by Musée du Château des ducs de Bretagne, Nantes. 2013.

Los Héroes del Lago / The Heroes of the Lake. Published in conjunction with dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel 2012

El regreso de un lago / The Return of a Lake. Published in conjunction with dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel. Köln (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König) 2012

→ Walther König bookshop

What is the Color of a German Rose? / Welche Farbe hat die Deutsche Rose? Ed. by Holger Saupe and Silke Opitz. Kunstsammlung Gera 2007

Inadequate Response. Published by CEAAC/Le Chaufferie, Strasbourg, co-written with Jimmie Durham. 2005

Thing-Process. Published by Galerie Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb 2003

Wake. A project for Berlin by Maria Thereza Alves. Published in conjunction with the exhibition 4FREE at BüroFriedrich, Berlin 2001

Back to the Water. Published in conjunction with the residency at Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht 2000

The reflection of my neighbor’s window. A project by Maria Thereza Alves for the Jeker River on Grote Looiersstraat. Published in conjunction with the residency at Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht 2000

Changing of the Guard. Published in conjunction with the exhibition Free Space (NICC, Antwerp, 1999), Maastricht 1999

Minus One Dimension: Zinneke Reflections. Published in conjunction with the exhibition Urban Experience (1995), Brussels 1997

A Brief History of Colonialism. (With Peter Weibel). Published for the exhibition Inclusion/Exclusion, Steirischer Herbst 96, Graz 1996

text (PDF English)

Nowhere. Published by The Central Space, London 1993

Post Eldorado Amazonas. Published by Galería del Lago, Mexico City 1991

Chico Mendes. Los anti-heroes y la ley de la gravedad. Published by Centro de Estudios Brasileños de la Embajada de Brasil, México DF 1991

No soy su madre. Published by Galería La Estación, Cuernavaca 1990

Group Publications & Podcasts

When They Come, Flee. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung in Conversation with Maria Thereza Alves. The conversation is part of the book: An Ongoing-Offcoming Tale – Ruminations on Art, Culture, Politics and Us/Others by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. Published by Archive Books, Berlin, Milan, Dakar 2022.

further information about the book

Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road, Vol. 1-12. Published by documenta fifteen & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2022.

The book consists of the booklets by the members (and invited guest authors) of the collective Jimmie Durham & A Stick in the Forest by the Side of the Road. This collective came about from the idea of Jimmie Durham to gather a group of artists to form "a community on the road" and contribute in collaboration with him to documenta fifteen. Durham did not expect the members of the collective - Bev Koski, Elisa Strinna, Hamza Badran, Iain Chambers, Joen Vedel, Jone Kvie, Maria Thereza Alves, and Wilma Lukatsch - to elobate a single work or theme. Instead they would share knowledge, empathy, and humour and leave open the possibility that their different contributions could entwine.
The book can be ordered through Walther König Buchhandlung.


Maria Thereza Alves: When Forests Speak. Episode 3 of BALTIC Podcast.

BALTIC Podcast series Climate Frequencies listens to the climate emergency and its reverberations through the ears of artists, thinkers and activists.

Climate Frequencies is a podcast available to listen online here

Emigration: Improvising Amongst Unforeen Rocks, published in: Voice Over - Magazine for Alternative Discourse. No. 3: Borders. December 2020, p. 18-30.

Voice Over, an online magazine created by international artist David Liver with the support of the Intercultural Cities Programme of the Council of Europe, invites thinkers from the international sphere to address questions such as “How do we address intercultural, interclass, or inter-racial issues for raising criticism, exercising resistance, and experimenting with alternative discourses?”.
Read the Text online

Brasile. Il Coltello Nella Carne / Brazil. Knife In The Flesh. Ed. by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Diego Sileo & PAC (Padiglione d'arte contemporanea, Milano). Milano 2018.

more information about the PAC show

Objets culturels traditionnels du Brésil. Ed. by Bétonsalon - Centre d'Art et de Recherche, Mélanie Bouteloup et. al.. Paris 2017

more information about the Book 36 Short Stories

The Contract… (It is unfortunate that we feel ourselves in need of contracts…) Published by Venice Agendas. The Contract Newspaper. London, Venedig et al. 2017

Venice Agendas was developed by Bill Furlong and Mel Gooding and has featured at every Venice Biennial since 1999.

This is not an Apricot. Published by Concreta (Nuria Enguita Mayo & Laura Vallés). Concreta 09, Spring Issue, Valencia (Spain) 2017

→ Concreta Magazine Website

This is not an Apricot in Concreta 09, 2017
(The Spring Issue 2017 of Concreta Magazine, based in Valencia (Spain), provides a full survey of Alves' work This is not an Apricot, 2008/2009.)

Unmapping the Renaissance. Ed. by Angelika Stepken, Eva-Maria Troelenberg & Mariechen Danz. Nürnberg 2017

→ Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg

Art & Ecology Now. Ed. by Andrew Brown. New York 2014

→ Thames & Hudson bookshop

Sakahàn. International Indigenous Art. Ed. by Greg A. Hill, Christine Lalonde and Candice Hopkins Ottawa, Canada 2013

Das Buch der Bücher / The Book of Books. Published by documenta and Museum Fridericianum. Ostfildern 2012

→ Cantz Verlag

Modern Monsters / Death and Life of Fiction. Published by Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Taipei, Taiwan 2012

Other Possible Worlds. Proposals on this Side of Utopia / Entwürfe diesseits von Utopia. Published by NGBK. Berlin 2011

Close Encounters: The Next 500 Years. Ed. by Sherry Farrell Racette, Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art (Gallery) and Urban Shaman (Gallery). Winnipeg 2011

Heimatkunde: 30 Künstler blicken auf Deutschland Ed. by Inka Bertz and Jewish Museum Berlin Munich, Berlin 2011

Welt in der Hand. Zur globalen Alltagskultur des Mobiltelefons / The World in Your Hand. On the Everyday Global Culture of the Mobile Phone Ed. by Miya Yoshida and Städtische Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Kunsthaus Dresden Leipzig 2010

The True Story of Monsieur E. Or the Importance of Being Silent. In His Sixtieth Birthday Anniversary 17.7.2010 Ed. by Madame E. Turin 2010

Ground Level Ed. by Kit Hammonds. London 2010

Going Public ’08. PortCitySafari. Ed. by Claudia Zanfi. Milano 2009

Da sopra giù nel fossato / From above down in the moat Ed. by A. Bonito Oliva and Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Puglia Milano 2010

Folklore. Published by CRAC Alsace and Sophie Kaplan. Altkirch 2010

There is always a cup of sea to sail in. 29th Bienal de São Paulo Ed. & published by Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos São Paulo 2010

Le Spectacle du Quotidien / The Spectacle of the Everyday Ed. by Hou Hanru. Lyon 2009

Weltall - Erde - Mensch. Im Zeitalter von Teilchenbeschleuniger und Weltraumtourismus / Space - Earth - Wo/Man. In the Era of Atom Smasher and Space Tourism Ed. by Silke Opitz, ACC Galerie Weimar and Kunstverein Erfurt Weimar 2008

Manifesta 7. Published by International Foundation Manifesta. Milano 2008

Global Multitude. Ed. by Hou Hanru. Barcelona 2008

Farewell to Post-Colonialism: The Third Guangzhou Triennial Ed. by Guangdong Museum of Art and Wang Huangsheng. Guangzhou 2008

Lustwarande / Wanderlust. Excursions in Contemporary Sculpture. Ed. by Fundament Foundation, Chris Driessen and Heidi van Mierlo Tilburg 2008

Port City. On Mobility and Exchange. Ed. by Arnolfini, Bristol and Tom Trevor. Bristol 2007

Wherever We Go. Art, Identity, Cultures in Transit / Ovunque andiamo. Arte, Identità, Culture in Transito. Ed. by Museo Fotografia Contemporanea, Hou Hanru and Gabi Scardi. Milano 2006

QUAUHNAHUAC - Die Gerade ist eine Utopie. Ed. by Kunsthalle Basel, Adam Szymczyk, Silke Baumann and Simone Neuenschwander. Basel 2006

Land, Art. A Cultural Ecology Handbook. Ed. by Max Andrews. London 2006

Displaced. Interaktionen / Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum. Published by nbk (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein). Berlin 2005

Tätig sein. Published by NGBK. Berlin 2004

L’ universel Dialogues avec Senghor. Ed. by Laurent Le Sergent and Marie-Thérèse Champesme. Joal-Fadiouth, Senegal 2004

Heim Again. Identity, Ideology & Geography. Published by Bergen National Academy of the Arts. Bergen 2005

Empathy. Beyond the Horizon. Ed. & published by Pori Art Museum and Marketta Seppälä. Pori 2003

Salon des Refusés. Published by Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia. Venice 2003

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2003. Published by Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial. Tokyo 2003

Rest in Space. Published by Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo. Oslo 2002

PR 101. Gallery 101 - Resource Room Projects 1999-2003. Ed. by Jen Budney and Gallery 101. Ottawa, Canada 2003

Illusion, Free Space, Forever Young. Published by NICC (Nieuw Internationaal Cultureel Centrum), Franziska Lesák and Gert Robijns. Antwerp 2000

Heimat Kunst. Published by Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Berlin 2000

Re-Verberations. Tactics of Resistance, Forms of Agency in Trans/Cultural Practices. Ed. by Jean Fisher. Maastricht 2000

Aux armes… etcaetera. Published by Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringer Strasse, München. München 1998

Runt om oss, inom oss / Around us, inside us. Published by Borås Konstmuseum. Borås 1997

Inklusion, Exklusion. Versuch einer neuen Kartografie der Kunst im Zeitalter von Postkolonialismus und globaler Migration. Ed. by Peter Weibel and Steirischer Herbst, Graz 1996. Köln 1997

Perceptions nomades // espaces urbains: 1ère. Published by Ateliers d’Artistes de la Ville de Marseille. Marseille 1997

American Visions - Visiones de las Américas: Artistic and Cultural Identity in the Western Hemisphere. Ed. by Noreen Tomassi, Mary Jane Jacob, Ivo Mesquita, Arts International, Fundação Memorial da América Latina and Bienal Internacional de São Paulo. New York 1994

Beelden Buiten 1994. Ed. by Cultureel Centrum Gildhof Tielt. Tielt 1994

Edge 92. Artists Worlds - Mundos Artísticos. Ed. & published by José Lebrero Stals and Consorcio para la Organización de Madrid. London, Madrid 1992

Ante América. Regarding America. Published by Biblioteca Luis-Ángel Arango. Santafé de Bogotá 1992