Maria Thereza Alves

Recipes for Survival
Seeing you

Shows (S for solo show, G for group show)

Espelhos d'Agua Viva. (G) Curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, Catarina Duncan and Matheus Morani. Solar dos Abacaxis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2024/25.

Dates: November 30, 2024 – March 8, 2025
Further information about the show

Mutual Aid. Art in Collaboration with Nature. (G) Curated by Francesco Manacorda and Marianna Vecellio. Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy, 2024/25.

Dates: October 31,2024– March 23, 2025
Further information about the show

Fullgás: Artes Visuais e Anos 1980 no Brasil. (G) Curated by Raphael Fonseca with assistant curators Amanda Tavares and Tálisson Melo. Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2024/25.

Dates: October 2, 2024 – January 27, 2025
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Hans Ulrich Obrist Archives – Chapter 4: Gustav Metzger – All of Us Together. (G) Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Arthur Fouray. LUMA Arles, France, 2024/25.

Dates: June 30, 2024-ongoing
Further information about the show

I Don’t Agree / Non sono d’accordo. A new work commissioned by MUCIV as part of the research fellowship at the Museo delle Civiltà. Curated by Matteo Lucchetti. Museo delle Civiltà, Rome, Italy 2023/2024.

Recent or Upcoming Publications (Monograph, Texts or Interviews by Alves)

Exercises in Decolonizing One’s Imagination ~ Weaving Common Ground Part 1. A Talk with Maria Thereza Alves by Wilma Lukatsch, transcript publishing, Bielefeld 2023.

The Text is published in the Anthology "Künste dekolonisieren. Ästhetische Praktiken des Lernens und Verlernens / Decolonizing Arts. Aesthetic Practices of Learning and Unlearning" which is based on a Lecture Series by the Research Training Group „Das Wissen der Künste / The Knowledge in the Arts“ at University of the Arts in Berlin.
further information about the book

„Wo ist für dich der Ort der Indigenen? “– Dekoloniale Kunstwissenschaft als Verortungspraxis kolonialen Nicht-Wissens / "Where is the place of the Indian for you?" - Decolonial Art Science as a Practice to Localizie Colonial Ways of Not-Knowing. Text by Wilma Lukatsch about Maria Thereza Alves' work "Um Vazio Pleno / A Full Void" from 2017, transcript publishing, Bielefeld 2023.

The text is published in: "An den Rändern des Wissens. Über künstlerische Epistemologien / The Margins of Knowing. On Artistic Epistemologies".
further information about the book

Interview with Maria Thereza Alves by Giovanni Aloi & Michael Marder. The original contribution is part of the comprehensive reader: Vegetal Entwinements in Philosophy and Art. Published by MIT Press, 2023.

further information about the book

Silvia Bottinelli in conversation with Maria Thereza Alves. The conversation is part of the book: Artists and the Practice of Agriculture Politics and Aesthetics of Food Sovereignty in Art since 1960 by Silvia Bottinelli. Published by Routledge, 2023.

further information about the book

Maria Thereza Alves: Seeds of Change. Edited by Carin Kuoni and Wilma Lukatch. Published by Amherst College Press and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School. Designed by Common Name. 2023.

The first monograph of Alves’s historic project, Seeds of Change is edited by Carin Kuoni and Wilma Lukatsch and features essays by the artist as well as Katayoun Chamany, Seth Denizen, Jean Fisher, Yrjö Haila, Richard William Hill, Heli M. Jutila, J. K?haulani Kauanui, Lara Khaldi, Tomaž Mastnak, Marisa Prefer, and Radhika Subramaniam.

The book can be ordered through Amherst College Press or
Vera List Center for Arts and Politics.