Texts & Interviews by Alves
We are still here / Nous sommes toujours là. A Text by Genaro Amaro Altamirano and Maria Thereza Alves. Text published in: Palm. Jeu de Paume Magazine,
December 2021
Maria Thereza Alves.
Contribution by Alves in: Eco-Lógicas Latinas, Act., São Paulo, SP2022.
Seeds of Change. As told to Emily Watlington.
Text by Alves published in: Art in America (Section Portfolio) 2022.
The Umbragiade. Text by Alves in: Climate: Our Right to Breathe. Ed. by Hiuwai Chu, Meagan Down, Nkule Mabaso, Pablo Martínez, and Corina Oprea.
Published by L’Internationale Online and K Verlag, Berlin 2022.
Über das Landschaftsbild als Sichtbarmachung von Geschichte.
An Interview by Ann-Katrin Günzel with Alves. Pubished in: Arkadien in der Krise. Zur Aktualität des Landschaftsbildes, Kunstforum International 284, October 2022.
Son del Pueblo, Text published in: Versopolis/Review, November 16, 2020.
published online in: Versopolis/Review on November 16, 2020
'Sou Bugre, Bugre Pura.' 'I am Bugre, Pure Bugre.', Maria said, Text published in: Nirin Ngaay. Source book with texts edited for the 22nd Biennale of Sydney, 2020.
'When they come flee', said my grandmother to my mother. And years later, my mother would say to me, `When they come flee.', Text published in: Nirin. Catalogue of the 22nd Biennale of Sydney, 2020.
Maria Thereza Alves on Decolonization and 'Seeds of Change' {PODCAST}. An Interview by the curated Podcast "Zeitgeist 19", released on 23rd May 2020.
Fires Dance with the Tides of Time, An exploration into the traditional fire practices and contemporary complexities in specific cultural and historical contexts across the Atlantic, published in: Arts Cabinet, London 2021.
On Fights, Rights, and Real Forms of (Artistic) Contribution. Maria Thereza Alves Interviewed by Antonia Alampi. Interview published in: Mousse Magazine (online print), August 21, 2019.
The Freedom to Develop What Is Necessary: Maria Thereza Alves Interviewed by Richard William Hill. Interview published in: Bomb Magazine, March 16, 2020.
Decolonizing Brazil. The text is an extended version of the preface for the publication: Descolonizando o Brasil.
published in: Nero Editions (Online Magazine Rome), December 2018
How Can You Propose That You Are The Future? An Interview by Nick Herman with Maria Thereza Alves. Published in: diSONARE 07,
Mexico City, December 2018
Recipes for Survival. Solo publication. With a foreword by Michael Taussig.
Texas of University Press, Austin 2018
After 35 years the unpublished book "Recipes for Survival" will be released in November 2018.
further information on Texas of University Press website
further information on the work "Recipes for Survival"
Decolonizing Brazil. The text is an extended version of the preface for the publication: Descolonizando o Brasil.
Nero Editions (Online Magazine Rome), 13. December 2018
The Clearing.
in: Into the Woods. Harvard Design Magazine, No. 45, S/S 2018. Edited by Harvard University Graduate School of Design and Jennifer Sigler. Cambridge, MA 2018
A Botany of Colonization.
in: Vera List Center Prize for Art and Politics, 2016–2018. Maria Thereza Alves. Seeds of Change New York. A Botany of Colonization. New School, New York, N.Y. 2017
The Clearing. Text published in: Into the Woods. Harvard Design Magazine No. 45, S/S 2018. Ed. by Harvard University Graduate School of Design and Jennifer Sigler.
further information on Into the Woods, Harvard Design Magazine
Letter to a Fulbright Scholar on Natives Issues and Reality.
E-Mail Letter. June 2017
Objets culturels traditionnels du Brésil. Ed. by Bétonsalon - Centre d'Art et de Recherche and Mélanie Bouteloup et. al..
Paris 2017
A Question of Aesthetics and Colonization.
in: On Curating (June 2017). Zürich 2017
"Our inaugural project and the next On-Curating issue will discuss “De-Colonizing Art Institutions”. This will coincide with a summer academy hosted at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and a symposium at Kunstmuseum Basel.
In order to generate further discussion we asked artists and researchers wordwide for proposals, images and concepts regarding De-Colonizing Art Institutions. The material is exhibited and will be discussed in workshops within the project space across June 2017." (Curatorial team: Giovanna Bragaglia, Emilie Bruner, Ronald Kolb, Miwa Negoro, Swati Prasad, Dorothee Richter, Silvia Savoldi, Regula Spirig, Laura Thompson)
The Contract… (It is unfortunate that we feel ourselves in need of contracts to carry on our work as artists). Text written for Venice Agendada: The Venice Agendas 2017. The Contract Newspaper on January 30th 2017. Naples
This is not an Apricot. Ed. by Concreta (Nuria Enguita Mayo & Laura Vallés).
Concreta 09, Spring Issue, Valencia (Spain) 2017
→ This is not an Apricot in Concreta 09, 2017
(The Spring Issue 2017 of Concreta Magazine, based in Valencia (Spain), provides a full survey of Alves' work This is not an Apricot, 2008/2009.)
Interview with Maria Thereza Alves: Machine Désirante & Seeds of Change. By Pat Binder and Gerhard Haupt.
in: Universe in Universe Magazine, 20.4.2017
Canibalismo no Brasil desde 1500 / Cannibalism in Brazil since 1500.
in: El largo camino a Xico / The long road to Xico 1991-2015. Sevilla 2016
text (PDF English) /// text (PDF Portuguese)
→ First published 2013 in Portuguese in Fórum permanente, São Paulo, Revista #4 text (WEB Portuguese)
→ Republished 2018 in Portuguese in Muiraquitã, Revista de Letras e Humanidades, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2018. Read the Revista online
→ Republished 2018 in English in SOUTH-SOUTH. Let me begin again, Ed. by. Goodman Gallery Cape Town.
Fair Trade Heads: A Conversation on Repatriation and Indigenous Peoples with Maria Thereza Alves, Candice Hopkins, and Jolene Rickard.
in: South as a State of Mind, #2. Documenta 14, Kassel 2016
text (WEB German) /// text (WEB English) /// text (WEB Greek)
A Mão do Povo Brasileiro. (unpublished typoscript)
São Paulo 18.9.2016
text (PDF English) /// text (PDF Portuguese)
Some time after this essay by Alves was sent to MASP, Jera Guarani was invited to speak at the museum on questions of Cultura e Educação indígena (15 de julho 2017, das 9h às 14h)
→ more details about this event on MASP website
A Shift in the Axis”, an essay on the installation Sandwich by Rosaria Iazetta at Galleria E23. (unpublished typoscript)
Naples 2015
Some considerations about European concepts of Race since the Renaissance. Lecture at the Symposium: Unmapping the Renaissance, Florenz 2015
Text published in:
Unmapping the Renaissance, Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg 2017
From the Core of the Earth.
in: El Retorno de un Lago / The Return of a Lake, MUAC Folio Nr. 19). México City 2014
Shit and the Spaniards and the Canal from hell* (as known as Rio de la Compania) ((*according to Newsweek magazine)).
in: Paesaggio. Venice 2012
To Speak from the Heart / Aus dem Herzen gesprochen.
in: Other Possible Worlds. Proposals on this Side of Utopia / Entwürfe diesseits von Utopia. Berlin 2011
Falando do Coraçao.
in: Krenak-Portuguese / Portuguese-Krenak. Dictionary. Lisbon 2010
Seeds of Change - Interview by Claudia Zanfi with Maria Thereza Alves.
in: arte e criteria 61. 2009/2010
Wake in Guangzhou: The History of the Earth.
in: Farewell to Post-Colonialism: The Third Guangzhou Triennial. Guangzhou 2008
→ also published 2017 in: Transfers. Ed. by Eindhoven University of Technology & Gijs Mom. Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2017 (pp. 107-114)
Einige Misserfolge aufgrund eines Mangels an optimistischem Denken.
in: Global Multitude. Barcelona 2008
Seeds of Change: Bristol.
in: Port City. On Mobility and Exchange. Bristol 2007
No Brazil Without Us. (with Jimmie Durham)
in: Land, Art. A Cultural Ecology Handbook. London 2006
Deathly Utopia / Tödliches Utopia.
in: QUAUHNAHUAC - Die Gerade ist eine Utopie. Basel 2006
And the Rest Remains Alien.
in: Heim Again. Identity, Ideology & Geography. Bergen 2005
(Joal Fadiouth).
in: L' universel ? Dialogues avec Senghor. Joal-Fadiouth, Senegal 2004
Seeds of Change… Stage Two: Reposaari.
in: Empathy. Beyond the Horizon. Pori, Finland 2003
Tromsø’s Academy of Contemporary Art workshop on the 30th Anniversary of the Alta Case.
unpublished typoscript, 2003/2016
(Je veux).
in: Je veux (Onestarpress). Paris 2003
Raw Data.
in: Frame News, 2/2002 (Winter 2002 issue). Helsinki, Finland 2002
A Year Later.
in: Zugewinngemeinschaft, 5. Werkleitz Biennale. Tornitz 2002
I hate 'I love Lucy'.
in: Rev-Verberations: tactics of resistance, forms of agency in trans/cultural practices. Maastricht 2000
Anti-Heroes and the Law of Gravity (unpublished lecture)
International Women’s University Ltd., Hannover (ifu) 2000
Juan During Twenty Lessons.
unpublished typoscript, Berlin 1998
Alves has written several unpublished short texts in the course of time.
Juan During Twenty Lessons is published here for the first time.
text (PDF English)
The Gheorge Mihoc Memorial Letter.
in: Runt om oss, inom oss / Around us, inside us. Borâs, Sweden 1997
Viva-fying the Other.
in: Third Text. Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, No. 26. London 1996
Nothing Works Out Right (Except Sometimes Almost).
in: Whitewalls. A Journal of Language and Art. No. 33+34. Chicago 1994
Expanding Confusions: Native Americans and Ecology. (with Jimmie Durham).
in: American Visions - Visiones de las Américas: Artistic and Cultural Identity in the Western Hemisphere. New York 1994
The Formation of the Artist in Latin America. (unpublished lecture)
Expo Art, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 1993
Lo que debería suceder y no pasa.
La Jornada / Curare, Mexico City September 21, 1993
21 de noviembre, 1993.
in: Alegría, Boletin Trimestral de Temistocles '44. Polanco, Mexico 1993
Complaints and Discoveries.
in: Lusitania. A Journal of Reflection and Oceanography. #5, Fall. New York 1993
Turning the Tables. (unpublished lecture)
London 1992
Utopia: A Photo Text.
in: Third Text. Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, No. 21. London Winter 1992/93
Recovering My History: Butia, Brazil. A Journal in Photos and Words.
in: IKON. Creativity and Change. Second Series, #4. New York 1985
Freedom Within.
in: Freedom Within. Paintings by Juan Sanchez, Installation by Alfredo Jaar (edited and curatorial text by Maria Thereza Alves). New York 1985
Angelo Kretã. (poem)
in: Stake, Volume 1, No. 2. (Maryland) 1985
A Dialectical Approach to Photography.
Independent Study with Chris Osinski (unpublished typoscript). The Cooper Union, New York December 1, 1984
I Discover Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
in: Art and Artists, Volume 12, Number 8. New York 1983
The Making of Brazil's Pixote.
Guardian, New York November 11, 1981
'Pixote' Brazilian Society in Focus.
Guardian, New York November 11, 1981
Brazil Union Leader Convicted. (together with Ines Rosa Bueno)
Guardian, New York March 11, 1981
Workers Resistence in Brazil: With a Case Study of the Peons of São Bernardo do Campo. (unpublished typoscript)
Plainfield, Vermont December 1, 1980
Clear View of Brazil Indians.
Guardian, New York April 16, 1980
Behind Brazil's Economic Miracle.
Guardian, New York April 23, 1980
250,000 metalworkers end 6-week strike in Brazil.
Guardian, New York May 28, 1980
Statement written for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights - 35th Session. (Written by Alves while a member of the International Indian Treaty Council)
New York / Geneva 1979